With Negotiations in full swing, the time has come to escalate our fight for a Contract and build momentum among our entire workgroup to take our advocacy to the next level.
The Contract Action Team (CAT) will work alongside our specially trained InfoReps and will play a crucial role in our mobilization efforts. They will engage with our flying partners in one-on-one conversations relaying correct and accurate information. CAT Volunteers will expand on the mission of the InfoRep program.
Collective Bargaining is a right we have as Union members, but it only works when we use our collective power. At this moment, we have the greatest potential to make significant gains for our careers. Across the entire economy, the corporate elite have taken our time and money for far too long, growing income inequality to the highest levels in 100 years.
This is the moment to reclaim our time and our money. Workers from delivery drivers to autoworkers to entertainment and pilots right here in aviation have used their collective power this past year to make historic gains. Unions have never been more popular, and Flight Attendants have never before had so much public support.
Join the Contract Action Team (CAT). Work alongside InfoReps and play a crucial role in our mobilization efforts. As a Contract Action Team member your actions will build our power and deny management any efforts to undercut our negotiations:
Wear an AFA Pin and Lanyard to work, to commute, to training and get others to do the same – management needs to see every day we cannot be divided.
You’ll get an advance copy of Negotiations News to be first in the know, and you will share the latest up to date information with our flying partners.
Report back questions and comments. With your help we can squash rumors intended to divide or distract, and promote two-way communication between AFA negotiators, leaders, and Members.
Recruit more of our flying partners to join the Contract Action Team.
Do your part to attend and help turn out big numbers for every action we take in support of our negotiations.
We have to back up our negotiators with the power of our Solidarity and disrupt every effort of management to undercut what we can achieve when we act as one.
Our Solidarity starts with all of us right here at United Airlines, but it expands and gains power when we take action with other Flight Attendants and the entire working class to fight corporate greed.
Watch the Contract Action Team video above and make the (CAT) Commitment:
I'm fighting for an industry-leading Contract for myself and all AFA Flight Attendants at United Airlines. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to back up our Contract demands. I commit to get information, talk to my flying partners, and take action to reach a Contract we can ratify in months, not years.